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Our system
Fire detection
Fire detection
Our device is equipped with a camera that takes pictures at regular time intervals and at 360°. The camera is powered by a photovoltaic panel that recharges a battery in order to guarantee a 24/7 use. From the very beginning of the development of the prototype, the environmental impact of the Fire Eyes has been one of our main concerns. Everything is optimised to reduce its ecological footprint.
The images are processed by a central box that centralises the data from all the cameras in the network.
Deep-learning (artificial intelligence) has been chosen for image processing and fire detection. It can also collect and transmit other data such as temperature, wind speed, etc. Once the fire is detected, the alert will be sent to the fire brigade call centre and to the owner of the premises. They will then have the opportunity to confirm or deny the alert.
The user interface
The user interface
Besides fire detection, Fire Eyes also offers its own IT support. We are currently developing a smartphone application as well as a software to be installed on PC. The aim is to offer to the intervention services, as well as to the owner of the land, functionalities such as data monitoring (temperature, pressure, rainfall, etc.) and many others. These media also allow access to a history of the images captured by the camera.
Overview of the PC software project
Overview of the smartphone software project
Video of the prototype.
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